Why Should Kids Practice Yoga?

Today’s younger generation often face many expectations, stimulation through media and communication technologies, and increased pressure to succeed in school. These exposures and demands can result in stress and anxiety. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) lists yoga as a beneficial intervention for reducing stress and anxiety and improving mental health among adolescents. For younger kids, yoga builds coordination, balance, and self-regulation. For older kids, yoga also helps build flexibility, strength, and self-confidence. The emotional benefits can be especially helpful in the challenging tween and teen years, improving relationships, classroom behavior, and academic performance.

Furthermore, yoga offers a release from today's fast-paced and tech-heavy world. It only demands that your child "unplug" and leave his or her phone (and shoes) behind—focusing solely on the action of connecting breath and movement. Yoga can help kids learn to live in the moment, focus on the task at hand, and handle problems peacefully. The more often your child practices yoga, the greater the benefits.

The AAP recommends yoga as a safe and potentially effective therapy for children and adolescents coping with emotional, mental, physical, and behavioral health conditions. Because some yoga poses are harder than others, the AAP cautions that even children who are flexible and in good shape should start slowly with the guidance of a qualified instructor.

The benefits of yoga for kids include:

  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety - learn to control the breath and pay attention to the present moment without reacting to it

  • Relieve Tension & Pain - allow tense muscles and achy joint to lengthen and decompress, healing tissues

  • Enhance Concentration & Memory - use presence of mind to maintain focus, patient listening, and better retain new information

  • Regulate Mood/Emotions - connect to an inner constant calm and detach from unbalanced states

  • Build Strength, Flexibility, & Balance - improve physical performance and prevent injury to growing tissues by toning muscles and nerves

  • Self-Knowledge & Confidence - be secure in one’s self and decision- making; improve body posture

  • Greater Resilience - rebound from setbacks and look for the silver lining in all situations

  • Hone Self-Discipline - master one’s own behavior and take action rather than waiting for direction

  • Develop Creativity - learn to move and think in new ways

  • Feel Better - never feel pressured to be anything more than you are in this moment, perfect and whole

Basic yoga breathing and a simple pose or two can be important tools for managing a range of stresses and pains as well as everyday challenges. Lead by example! Get your child involved in yoga—or better yet—try a class yourself!

Click here to see the yoga classes available on our current schedule.